Although today we are surrounded by technology, opportunities, and innovations that should make our lives easier, the quality of life for most people is impaired by stress more than ever in history. We have been swamped from all sides with information, novelties, and news that oppress us and affect our health. At the end of the 20th century, this phenomenon of the new age was called the VUCA world – Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. Since then, the intensity of these conditions has increased unimaginably and it looks like it will continue to grow.
Why is this so and what are we missing? How do some of us manage to stay happy?
There are a number of different explanations, but I have learned from experience that, as with much else, it is about perception and our patterns of behavior that follow from it.
The way we experience the world today is significantly different than it was 5 r more years ago. Although it wasn’t ideal, we used to be able to look at the world like planning with the help of a road map. We knew where we were starting from and where we were going. Not only that, but the route from point A to point B was clearly defined – just like on the old road maps where you had the entire journey from start to finish shown in the field of view, and point B was clearly visible all the time.
Today, road maps have been replaced by GPS navigation, figuratively and literally.
The screen no longer shows us the entire route and a clearly visible destination, but we only know our current point A and the maximum of one to two turns that follow. We have no idea what awaits us or where we will end up and we just do one sprint after another. This way of life seriously harms our health and that is why it is important to pay attention to well-being.
The main areas of wellbeing
Well-being is more than just the absence of a disorder or disease – it is a complex combination of physical, mental, emotional, and social factors of an individual’s health. Well-being is actually the harmony of your person and the environment.
There are five main aspects to personal health: physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual. To impair wellbeing, it is enough that one of these components doesn’t work – it is impossible to maintain happiness and life satisfaction without one of the pieces of the puzzle. Therefore, it is important to act before our mental health deteriorates – regular maintenance is the key to long-term satisfaction, just like physical health. Mental health needs to be addressed before stress, anxiety or worry break us down – general harmony has a positive effect on our future, as well as the present. By maintaining mental health, you can also reduce the risk of physical problems, as the two aspects of health are closely linked.
How to achieve well-being and maintain it?
- Connect with other people! Humans are social beings and we function poorly isolated from others. Find ways to keep in touch with others.
- Be physically active! Physical activity has been shown to have a positive effect on your mental health. Find a routine and activity that suits you; you will notice changes very quickly.
- Learn new skills! Developing new skills also has a positive impact on mental health by boosting your self-confidence and giving you an extra goal.
- Share with others! Acts of giving and kindness to others contribute to your well-being and develop a sense of peace and contentment.
- Be aware of the present! Pay attention to the present moment, and become aware of your surroundings, body, and feelings. Focus on your breathing and the details around you – you will feel much calmer.
Paying attention to your surroundings is essential to a sense of belonging. Being aware of what is happening at a particular moment is the path to well-being, and enjoying the present moment helps you redefine your priorities and desires. The present is the right place to act. After all, when if not now?